completed Projects- 2021-22
Epie Jackai Sona Guardian Angel Fund:

2021 and 2022:
Charitable giving through the distribution of funds each year to a local charity organization, Santa Maria Urban Ministries to distribute to low-income students for the purchase of materials and school supplies.
In collaboration with Santa Teresa Hills Presbyterian Church, has provided 120 custom-made baby quilts to babies born at the Buea Town Integrated Health Center during 2021 and 2022 years and baby clothing.
Presented Christmas gift envelopes for the purchase of Christmas family dinner to 99 babies born in 2021 and 2022 at the Buea Town Integrated Health Center Clinic during a Christmas event at the health center premises.
Provided the following hospital furniture to the expansion of the Buea Town Integrated Health Center Maternity:
8 adult hospital beds with mattresses
8 baby cribs with crib mattresses
8 adult bed sheet sets
8 crib sheet sets
8 bedside cupboards
5 over overhead tables
1 medium-sized refrigerator for two VIP wards
1 microwave for the VIP wards
2 television sets for the VIP maternity wards
Donated $250 towards the purchase of back-to-school supplies to Santa Maria Urban Ministries (SMUM) to assist children from disenfranchised families in Santa Clara County.
Through a partnership with Santa Teresa Hills Presbyterian Church, contributed 631 jars of peanut butter and 485 boxes of cereal to SMUM, to mitigate the food insecurity crisis in Santa Clara County
Through the partnership with Santa Teresa Hills Presbyterian Church, provided 92 quilts, 92 onesies, 94 bars of dove body soap, 50 packets of toiletries for newborn babies and mothers of the Buea Town Integrated Health Clinic Maternity
Through the partnership with Santa Teresa Hills Presbyterian Church, presented a gift envelope with 5,000 frs to each of the 70 babies born at the Maternity during the year 2023 on Friday, December 22, 2023.
Presented Christmas gift envelopes to 21 permanent and voluntary staff at the Buea Town Integrated Health Center.
Scholarships for Cameroonian Students in the Bay Area of California:

2021: Financial assistance was awarded to 8 Cameroonian children from the Bay area, who were attending high school, junior colleges and 4-year colleges as follows:
Three awards of $1,000 each to three students at the college level.
Five wards of $250 each at the high school level.
2022: Financial assistance was awarded to 5 Cameroonian children from the Bay Area who are attending high school and junior colleges, and 4-year colleges as follows:
Three awards of $1,000 each to three students at the college level.
Two awards of $500 each to students at the high school level
2023: Financial assistance was awarded to 6 Cameroonian children from the Bay Area who are attending high school, and 4-year colleges as follows:
Three awards of $1,000 each to three students at the college level
Three awards of $250 each to students at the high school level.
Epie Jackai Sona Memorial Foundation Inc (EJSMInc)

2021 and 2022:
Provided hospital furniture to the expansion of the Buea Town Integrated Health Center maternity such as hospital beds and mattresses, cribs and mattresses, bedside tables, over-bed tables, and television sets.
Presented Christmas gift envelopes to each of the 21 staff and volunteer staff at the Buea Town Integrated Health Clinic.
Hosted the award banquet for the Epie Jackai Sona Scholarships for Cameroonian Students in the Bay Area of California.
Bellarmine College Prepatory, Epie Sona ’12 Memorial Tuition Assistance Endowment:

Presented financial assistance of $1650, to an eligible student financial assistance of $1650, to an eligible student
Benevolent Assistance to Eligible Children, Youth, Adults, and Families

Funds were allocated within the foundation to provide benevolent assistance. More specifically, the organization will aid individuals living with autism spectrum disorders as well as their families, to engage in recreational activities and programs, beginning in California and Cameroon. EJSMF will help these individuals experience new opportunities that they might not have been able to otherwise, thus improving their quality of life. EJSMF will provide sponsorship of individuals living with autism spectrum disorders in Special Olympics events.
Development of activities in progress.