On-GOING Projects- 2024
FUTURE Projects- 2023
Epie Jackai Sona Guardian Angel Fund:

Coming Soon
Epie Jackai Sona Guardian Angel Fund
Continue to provide charitable giving through the distribution of funds to Santa Maria Urban Ministry to distribute to low-income students for the purchase of materials and school supplies.
Provide jars of peanut butter each month to Santa Maria Urban Ministries to supplement food distributed to low-income families weekly.
Increase the allotment and continue to provide newborn baby toiletries, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and bathing soap at the Buea Town Integrated Health Center Maternity for mothers and newborn babies.
Increase the number of Christmas gift packages (baby quilt and onesie) and Christmas Meal Envelope (5,000frs CFA) up to 100 gifts and meal envelopes.
epie jacKAI sona educational assistance for Cameroonian Students in California Bay Area:

Coming Soon
Increase the number of educational assistance awards from 3 to 5 children attending a junior and/or four-year college.
Increase the number of educational assistance awards from 5 to 7 children attending a high school.

Select and present financial to a current eligible student at Bellarmine College Preparatory School.
Increase the amount of financial assistance provided to an eligible student at Bellarmine from $1650 to $3000.
Coming Soon
Benevolent Assistance to Eligible Children, Youth, Adults, and Families

Coming Soon
Establish activity and develop selection criteria.
Identify and present awards to at least two participants.
Establish Partnerships with Sports Organizations in the Bay Area to acquire 10 tickets for eligible individuals and their families to attend at least one game/sporting activity in 2024.
Establish Partnerships with Theme Park Organizations in the Bay Area to provide 10 Season Passes to eligible individuals and their families.